Our Location

Our Location

Welcome to our Campus

One of FTE's most unique features is its purpose-built, 45,000 sqm Aviation Campus and its neighbouring annex, building La Parra, which adds a further 30.000 sqm of purpose built accommodation and leisure facilities to the FTECampus. This unique setting, combined with the experience of our instructors, state-of-the-art equipment and standardised course methodology, guarantees a training experience like no other.

The Campus is not just about accommodation. At FTEJerez we believe that in order to optimise academic performance, a cadet must be able to concentrate on the training programme in an ideal environment, whilst enjoying sports, local culture and socialising during the free time available. The FTECampus extends aviation training into the residential environment, fostering a greater sense of community by providing cadets, staff and visiting airline representatives with opportunities to share experiences.