Courses 106 and 107 graduate at FTEJerez

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FTEJerez today celebrates the graduation of courses 106 and 107. Students graduating are Julio Esteve and Moisés Jaurrieta, Qatari cadets Mohamed Elataya and Abdelrakman Gehani, MEA cadets Adnan Dia and Carl Stephan from Lebanon, and a group of six Flybe cadets; Alex Stevens, Patrick Kelly, Christopher Porthouse, Benjamin Wilson, Joe Dickinson and Lewis Rogers who have successfully completed their MPL course.

This graduation further indicates FTEJerez’s special standing in the aviation training industry, where a group of self sponsored cadets graduate with airline sponsored students from leading airlines such as Qatar Airways, MEA and Flybe.

FTEJerez Business Development Director, Frik Schoombee, will be hosting this evening’s event with MEA Captain Said El-Hage as guest of honour. Captain El Hage will also be handing out wings to the newly graduated cadets .

Our congratulations to the graduates for having completed this demanding course. We wish them every success in their new roles as the future captains of some of the world’s leading airlines.
